(Ritual Magick in England circa 1930’s. 1940’s) |
Work with Dion Fortune (Violet Firth) |
Dion lived at 3 Queensborough Terrace, just along the east side of the part of Hyde Park which runs along the Bayswater Road. She claims to have been trained partly by Aleister Crowley and W.H.C. Moriarty. For some years Dion headed a Theosophical lodge. In addition to her writing and occult activities, Dion was a medical doctor and a psychotherapist with a Jungian bent.. Her magic was earth-based, and rooted in the Western tradition. Her dates: 1890-1946. |
I am only concerned right now with this amazing woman, Dion Fortune, in that she eventually began working with Colonel Seymour. But I do feel obliged, for the sake of the story, to get into Dion a little bit and to say a word about her first husband, Penry Evens. Her husband, after all, was her magical partner before the Colonel came to take over that role. |
Being the Goddess that she was, Dion Fortune bought property in Glastonbury and formed a pilgrim center there devoted the the Mysteries of Isis. She married Thomas Penry Evans in 1927. Like herself, he was Welsh and a medical doctor—and oh yes, also an occultist! They worked well magically even though their magical interests diverged. Not having the same magical focus might not have been a problem—except that the two bickered constantly about their different magical views. |
guess this was like a “mixed marriage” – e.g. a Catholic marrying an
Episcopalian, with an eventual parting of ways over something like
Transubstantiation vs, NOT). This unfortunate marriage lasted about a
decade. Penry found another woman. |
Seymour seeks new magical partner: |
Eventually Seymour drifted away from Dion Fortune. He felt that she was too centered on worship of Isis.. He found a more suitable magical partner in a woman named Christine Campbell Thompson, who was about 40, and seemed to have much more vitality and magical energy than Dion. Seymour was even beginning to suspect that Dion/Violet might no longer be “Fully Contacted”—one of the worst things one could say about someone in the magic field. Fully Contacted: What does this mean? An adept, a magician or a magical school has to be “Fully Contacted.” Perhaps through their workings, perhaps simply because they felt they had been chosen, there must be some contact with super-terrestrial beings. “Servants of the Light,” e.g., describes itself as a “fully contacted” magical school. Blavatsky had her contacts: Koot Hoomi and Maurya. McGregor Matthers and the early Golden Dawn had the Secret Chiefs. Crowley had Aiwass, his “Holy Guardian Angel” and likely many others.No comments on their existential status: the main thing is that the magician, who has built up mental forms in meditation, feels them to be real and subsequently gets communication from them. |
Are these “contacts” a deep part of our own psyches that is
inaccessible to us outside of meditation? |
Seymour wanted a system of studies that would encompass 7 years. Perhaps he was
allotting himself the 3 score years and l0, for he apparently held the belief
that he had 7 years to live. Yet, on Midsummer Day l943—without any warning—he
suddenly died. (I can find no reference of the cause of this death. Dion Fortune
died in l946 of Leukemia |
But not all of the work requires a cast
of characters and costumes and colors, candles, oils, scents, and a
production somewhat resembling a Wagnerian opera. Much of the work is not so
dramatic. You sit there. You meditate. Sometimes an observer would not know
what is going on. Sometimes there might be a group meditation where a small
group attunes its minds to the same topics, the same symbols, the same god
forms, and shares with the group what they are “seeing” in their minds’
eyes. |
Would-be initiates might have an assignment, e.g. think over a specific sentence for a half-hour and extract the inner meaning from the ideas. One sentence, by Omar Khayyam, “There was a door to which I found no key.” But the key is interest, concentrated interest. And you realize that you have the key.This might be the result of the meditation. After each meditation, practitioners take note of their ideas. Seymour believed that bodily temperance is essential for ANY system of meditation. There is some thinking that for best results, one would eat very little and sleep very little .This makes sense; when has not had much sleep, the mind might be more receptive to the unconscious. The defenses, the more rigid part of the mind that censors, might not work as well. |